Would you like to enhance your current knowledge and practice on how to effectively use Motivational Interviewing (MI) in a school-based setting? This 9-week online Enhanced Professional Learning (EPL) interactive series will cover topics and provide interactive practice opportunities essential to the development and/or refinement of MI skills and relational style. Emphasis is placed on the “intentional use” of MI skills to identify a change goal, resolve ambivalence, and increase motivation for change.
Every Wednesday, January 18 – March 15, 2023 from 3:00 – 4:30 PM Mountain/4:00 – 5:30 PM Central
At the end of the MI-IP Enhanced Professional Learning Series, participants will be able to:
- Describe the relationship between the process of change, ambivalence, and Motivational Interviewing
- State at least three reason(s) for choosing and using a specific MI skill at a particular moment
- Explain how to evoke Change Talk from an individual
- Compare and contrast intentional and non-directional use of MI skills
- Discuss the process for conducting a personal assessment and developing an individualized MI Strengths & Growth Opportunities plan
School-based mental health professionals located in the Mountain Pains MHTTC region (HHS Region 8 includes CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, and WY).
- To be eligible and register for this MI-IP Series, applicants are required to first complete the 4-hour, free self-paced, online course Tour of MI: An Interprofessional Road Map for Behavior Change and submit the electronic copy of your Certificate of Completion during the registration process
- Attend a live 1-hour Orientation Session on January 18 at 3:00 pm Mountain/4:00 pm Central
- Commit to 8-weeks of training for 1.5 hours weekly from January 25-March 15, 2023
- Complete 1-hour of weekly self-study learning activities
- Access to appropriate technology to utilize online videoconferencing platform (i.e., an internet connection, webcam, computer/tablet, speakers, and microphone)
- Be prepared and actively engage while on camera during the scheduled series time
- Kate Speck, PhD, MAC, LADC
- Paul Warren, LMSW
Registration for this series is limited to 35 school-based mental health professionals who work in HHS Region 8 states on a first come first served basis (Region 8 includes Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming). Once the 35 spots have been filled, registration will be closed. Due to limited enrollment, if you cannot commit to the full requirements, please defer this opportunity to others.
Note: Registrants enrolled in this series are required to attend the orientation and Week 1 sessions. If you cannot attend these sessions, you will forfeit your attendance. In addition, it is expected that participants will have access to the appropriate technology to be able fully participate and be on camera during the session. This is not a webinar series and active participation is required to gain/improve skills.
The series has been approved for a total of 21 contact hours (20-hours content instruction and 1-hour orientation session). No credit will be awarded for non-attendance or partial attendance. The knowledge and skills learned should be applied within the framework of any applicable Operating and/or Credentialing regulations in your State of practice.
Please contact Trisha Dudkowski at tdudkowski@casat.org or by phone at 775-784-6265.